Top Amino Mix

A general plant tonic


  • Amino acids 7.48%
  • Magnesium 2%
  • Iron 3.5%
  • Sulphur 5.2%
  • Manganese 1.5%
  • Boron 0.25 %
  • Zinc 1%
  • Molybdenum 0.15%
  • Copper 0.5%


  • TOP AMINO MIX is ​​characterized by containing amino acids and a mixture of minor elements essential and necessary for plant growth.
  • TOP AMINO MIX stimulates plant growth, activates the photosynthesis process, increases its efficiency and the formation of chlorophyll (green color).
  • TOP AMINO MIX helps to build protein materials and is included in the composition of the components of flowers and fruits. It also helps to increase the branching proportion.
  • TOP AMINO MIX activates various enzymes in the plant and regulates the contents of the cell content of water.
  • TOP AMINO MIX has an important role in the hormonal balance within the plant.
  • TOP AMINO MIX increases the speed of vital processes (metabolism – respiration – photosynthesis) and their regulation within the plant.
  • TOP AMINO MIX has an effective role in resisting the inappropriate conditions facing the plant such as (high temperature – extreme cold – salinity of irrigation water and soil – drought) as it contributes to raising the efficiency of plant immunity.
  • TOP AMINO MIX enhances the specifications and quality of fruits in terms of color, size, weight and productivity.
  • TOP AMINO MIX enhances the efficiency of the plant after treatment with fungicides and insecticides because it contains a mixture of minor elements in a fully soluble form in water that is easily absorbed by the plant.
  • TOP AMINO MIX provides the pants with the minor elements thus treating the symptoms of their deficiency.
  • TOP AMINO MIX saves the energy excreted by the plant to provide the amino acids in the compound and helps the plant to grow naturally.
  • TOP AMINO MIX enhances vegetative and flowering growth and increases production.
  • TOP AMINO MIX works in a wide range of pH, therefore easily absorbed and fast acting.


  • It is used for all field crops, vegetables and fruits.


  • 1. In the case of foliar spray: It is used at a rate of 150-250 cm3/100 liters of water. The spraying is repeated from 3-4 batches during the growth period, starting from the vegetative growth until the maturity of the fruits.
  • 2. In the case of adding with irrigation water: it is used at a rate of 1.5 – 2 liters / feddan.


  • 1.5 -2.5 cm3 /L water.


  • Take into account mixing experiment.

Registration No

  • 12554